Monday, 24 December 2012

Creating a Positive Dental Experience for your Children

We see a lot of kids in our practice and parents like to know what we do to try and create a positive experience for young patients. Our goal is to help children develop proper oral hygiene and oral care habits. This includes positive experiences at the dental office so that they feel comfortable for life.
Right from the beginning we’ll show them that coming to the dentist can be fun. Kids love to learn, explore and ask questions. By allowing them to explore the dental environment and how we work with them at their own pace, much of the fear and apprehension simply never develops. When this happens, they start to look forward to their regular hygiene appointments. Not only do the appointments become easy and routine for them, but they are very receptive to what they can do at home to keep their teeth healthy.
Even in the healthiest of mouths, it is possible that a cavity or other dental concern can develop.  Dr. Forman and the Forman Dental Care team are even more focused on making sure that when dental work is necessary, the end result is a happy child who maintains their positive feeling toward the dental office. We’ll start off with the smallest filling first to show them how easy it is. Many early cavities can even be filled without the need for local anesthetic. When local anesthetic is necessary, we tell them stories and get them relaxed at the beginning. Most children don’t even know they received the freezing until they feel the sensation in their lip. Our favourite words to hear at the end of an appointment are, “that was easier than I thought”. As your child jumps out of the chair, a final high-five from the dentist sends them on their way.
At times, it’s necessary to fix several cavities at the same time or remove a baby tooth. For some children this can be simple, but for others it causes anxiety. Our goal is always the same, we want to get the treatment complete as successfully as possible and maintain their positive outlook. Some of the techniques we use are laughing gas and mild sedation. In certain cases it is necessary to refer to our team of pediatric specialists to make sure the positive experience continues.
The specialist environment for kids is geared totally for them and the office is completely kid-friendly.  This often reduces anxiety so that laughing gas or sedation isn’t even necessary. Our specialists work with anesthetists and can complete work on your child while they’re asleep if necessary. All of this is done so that a fear of the dentist never develops and that the best possible treatment is provided to your child. If a referral to our specialist is necessary, we work closely to ensure your child receives the highest standard of care.
If you have any questions about dentistry for your children, call us today at (905) 303-9355, or click here to request an appointment.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

3 Ways to Keep your Teeth and Gums in Good Health

We’re often asked what patients can do to minimize dental work and visits to the dentist.  At Forman Dental Care we believe what makes us successful, and the key to a great relationship with our patients, is keeping dental work to an absolute minimum. Helping people care for their mouths while they’re away from the dentist has a tremendous impact on the longevity of their natural oral health and any extra treatments they may have had.
Bacterial accumulation is the number one factor causing teeth and gums to fall out of good health and allow disease to take hold. This bacteria causes cavities and gum disease. Both are true infections and won’t go away unless you take the necessary actions. Bacteria will continue re-populating, so you need to stay on top of your care to keep it under control.
We believe there are three key things that a patient can focus on to substantially minimize the need for extra dental work.
1)   Create an excellent home care routine. As challenging as it can be to break old habits, or influence your family to do the same; it is vital that people consistently follow a great home care routine. There are 2 keys to successfully creating this new habit.
A) The most effective way to change a habit is by replacing it with a new one.
B) It takes an average of 21 days of repetition to create a habit.
For kids, make it a game and for adults, it’s a challenge. In both cases success should be rewarded.  Make sure everyone brushes twice daily (don’t rush) and floss or use Soft-Picks once a day. If you follow this routine, your dental work will last longer before needing repair or replacement, and your gums will stay much healthier. This means far less risk of problems, and fewer visits to the dentist’s office.
2)   Wear prescribed appliances every day. We see a lot of patients with clenching and/or grinding habits. The number two factor that causes problems with teeth and gums is too much pressure. We recommend that many patients consider a night-time clenching/grinding appliance to protect their teeth. Studies show that only around 5% of patients will faithfully wear their appliance, many won’t even try it, and even more will only wear it occasionally. A lot of you have heard me say “I’ll take some appliance wear over no wear”.  I really mean it; the more the better.
After working with patients for over 15 years, it’s obvious when an appliance is worn faithfully or neglected; and the benefits of faithful use versus neglect are drastic. With consistent use, fillings look healthier and last longer, gums bleed less and are less inflamed, and teeth are far less likely to loosen from stretching tooth ligaments.
Wear your appliance as much as possible if you have one, and consider trying one if it’s been recommended. Patients who are consistent with their appliances get better results, and avoid serious restorations.
3)   Do your best to restore your teeth if it’s required. Teeth with very large fillings are more susceptible to breaking. Restoration with a crown will protect at risk teeth from breaking and often avoid unplanned and extensive dental work.
The bottom line is controlling bacteria and pressure on your teeth on a regular basis will save you many times the dental work and cost over the long run.
In summary, create a great home care routine, wear recommended appliances faithfully, and keep your teeth restored and protected. These three concepts will help keep your oral health at its best, which is precisely what we want for you.
If there are any outstanding issues you need taken care of, please use our appointment booking tool, or call us at (905) 303-9355.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Wisdom Teeth and the Removal Process

Many patients have questions about when and if they need to remove their wisdom teeth. There’s no clear cut answer that applies to everyone and decisions are made on a case by case basis. With that said, here is some general information about wisdom teeth and the removal process.
Wisdom teeth are the third molars that appear in the back of the mouth at approximately 18-21 years of age. As long as wisdom teeth fully break through the surface of the gums and do not overly crowd the mouth, they can remain and function just as any other teeth. Problems occur when wisdom teeth remain partly covered by gum tissue or are poorly aligned.  In these cases, it may be best to remove the wisdom teeth to avoid infection and large cavities from forming.
Treatment options vary on a case by case basis. Some wisdom teeth are removed early as a preventative measure, while others are allowed to remain in the mouth until symptoms arise. Routine treatment can be performed in our office. Patients who wish to be fully asleep during the procedure, or have a more complicated case may be referred to a specialist.
The procedure can be performed with a local anesthetic or under mild sedation.  When the local anesthetic is complete pressure will be applied to the gums with a blunt instrument to ensure numbness.  The teeth will be removed with as little pressure as possible, and all areas will be stitched for ease of healing.  Some pain, oozing, swelling and even bruising is normal; patients will be sent home with gauze sponges, antibiotics and pain killers.  Patients should expect to be able to return to work after 2-3 days.
What Can I Expect After Surgery?           
You will be sent home with gauze sponges along with a prescription for pain killers and antibiotics. Bite on the gauze for 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off to stop any residual bleeding. A warm, moist tea bag works great to help stop bleeding due to the tannic acid. Some oozing is considered normal. If you are concerned please call our office.
It’s normal to expect some pain, swelling and even bruising after surgery. Pain and swelling are most noticeable on the second day. After that, the area will heal and the pain will diminish. Bruising will take up to a week to subside. Older individuals are more prone to bleeding, and may heal slower.
Two to three days are normally required for recovery after which you’ll be able to return to work or school.
If you have any questions or concerns about wisdom teeth call us today at (905) 303-9355, or click here to request an appointment.

Monday, 19 November 2012

New Cheaper, Faster Whitening Procedure

At Forman Dental, we’re introducing a brand new in-office whitening procedure called IVERI Whitening. The new procedure is available to all patients, and saves you both time and money. Due to a drastically reduced time requirement, the treatment is far less expensive and can be competed in just 30-40 minutes. The time may increase if more than one treatment is required for your case.
After we apply the whitening gel to your teeth, you can relax in the comfort of our new whitening room, which is complete with a heated massage chair and TV. When your session is over your whitening is complete and you don’t need to worry about any additional whitening at home. For best results, we recommend that you avoid food and beverages that could stain your teeth for at least 2 days while your saliva recoats your teeth.
Whitening is one of the most effective ways to enhance your smile and it is certainly the most affordable. Regardless of which procedure you choose, compliance is the key to success. The better you execute the instructions given, the better your results will be.
Whether you are using the over the counter, professional at home or professional in office whitening, it’s important that you minimize the ingestion of substances that can stain your teeth. This includes wine, coffee, tea, soya sauce, etc. The pores of the teeth will be open temporarily during the whitening process, and the teeth are more susceptible to staining. Saliva will eventually coat, and re-seal the pores in time.
Whitening doesn’t damage the teeth at all, but can cause temporary sensitivity for 2 or 3 days following treatment. Sensitivity is very difficult to predict and is most common with professional at home teeth whitening. Our professional in-office whitening can effectively manage sensitivity in most cases.
Remember to touch up your whitening every 3 to 6 months to maintain your bright smile and minimize staining.
Ask us how you can earn a free whitening treatment!
To make an appointment, you can use our appointment booking tool, or call us at (905) 303-9355.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Treating Bad Breath

One of the most common questions we get is “How can I make sure my breath is always pleasant?”
Many patients come to our office with the complaint of bad breath or a bad taste in their mouth. Fresh breath is something we all want, and is an expected part of our social graces. It’s just as big a part of making a great impression as any other aspect of your smile.
If your oral hygiene is good and you still have trouble with bad breath, you could have gum disease, which allows more bacteria to build up than you can clean away. Our hygienists can help by thoroughly cleaning around your teeth and gums.  Please make sure to talk to us if bad breath is a concern so we can evaluate your gums.
In certain cases you may be more prone to the bacteria which causes bad breath even if your oral hygiene is good and your gums are healthy. This means you could have a sub-clinical bacterial infection. This is where a large amount of bacteria is present but the inflammatory response within the gums is negligible. We typically investigate by sampling the bacteria in your mouth and having it analyzed at the lab. If the bacteria levels are high, we will treat you with antibiotic rinses to lower the bacteria and allow the healthy type of bacteria in your mouth to repopulate.
In cases where all of our tests are negative we will recommend that you consult your physician for stomach tests.  There are bacteria in the stomach which produce the same compounds as the oral bacteria that causes bad breath, and the cure may lay there.
As we all know certain foods that we eat contribute to bad breath, such and onions and garlic, to name few. These vanish in time and can be eliminated quickly by using sugar-free mints, chewing gum, by brushing your teeth and using a mouth rinse.
Bad breath can also be addressed by maintaining great oral hygiene which keeps the teeth and gums as clean and free of bacteria as possible. Remember to brush your tongue because the tongue has very deep pits and grooves where bacteria can escape lighter cleanings.
If you have any concerns about your breath call us today at (905) 303-9355 or click here  to request an appointment.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Dental X-Rays Demystified

Many patients have questions surrounding when they need to take x-rays and if they have a choice. Let’s look at Dental x-rays a little closer to answer these questions and more.
Dental x-rays allow us to see between your teeth and under the gums to the bone which is responsible for holding your teeth in place. These hidden areas can have a big impact on the maintenance of your teeth and gums. In short, dental x-rays allow us to catch and treat hidden problems as early as possible. X-rays also allow us to catch cysts and tumors that can occur in the jaw, but may not necessarily cause symptoms.
Here are a few questions I am frequently asked by patients:
How frequently should I have x-rays taken?
New patients will have x-rays taken when they enter the practice. After that, we will take a few x-rays every year or two for adults and a full set every five years as a part of the Complete Oral Exam. If you’ve had x-rays taken at another dentist within the last year, we can request that they be transferred to our office.
What if I don’t want to have x-rays?     
You’re always allowed to refuse x-rays for yourself or for your children. However, we don’t recommend avoiding x-rays as they greatly enhance our ability to find and treat problems. We may, in some cases require that you sign a release when other medical factors are present which may we increase risk, but you will be informed of such risks and you’ll always have the final say.
How much radiation can dental x-rays expose us to?
Exposure to radiation from dental x-rays is minimal. Forman Dental Care switched to digital intra-oral x-rays in January 2010 allowing us to cut your exposure by 50%. You will always be protected by a lead apron with a thyroid collar. In actuality, you’ll be exposed to about one fifth of the radiation as you would from living in a brick house for a year, which is very low.
If you have any questions or concerns about dental x-rays or any other dental issue, please don’t hesitate to contact Forman Dental Care. To make an appointment, you can use our appointment booking tool, or call us at (905) 303-9355.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Snoring and Sleep Apnea

We see patients every day who ask us if there is anything we can do to help with their spouse or partner’s snoring. The answer is yes, we can. Oral appliances are extremely effective for reducing or eliminating snoring. There is however, a condition called sleep apnea that needs to be addressed first. Sleep Apnea often occurs in combination with snoring and can be a serious health concern.
Snoring is produced by vibration of the loose tissue at the back of the throat. It’s very common in adults for both men and women. Generally snoring doesn’t pose a problem for the person who is doing the snoring, rather for other people who hear it.
Sleep Apnea is a condition that occurs in people who snore, and is defined by the presence of several episodes per hour where breathing doesn’t occur and oxygen levels drop. Sleep Apnea contributes to high blood pressure because the heart has to work harder, which can ultimately lead to heart disease. Patients with Sleep Apnea often complain of daytime fatigue and drowsiness, which can be dangerous in a number of common daily activities like driving for example.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea can only be diagnosed by a proper sleep study at a qualified lab. No matter how bad the snoring may seem it may not necessarily be an indication of Sleep Apnea. The sleep study involves an over-night stay at the lab where the patient is hooked up to many electrodes that monitor muscle movements and oxygen levels.  You’ll need to be asleep for at least 4 hours for the test to be accurate.
For mild cases, your snoring and Sleep Apnea can be treated with a dental appliance which holds your jaw forward creating tension on the tissue at the back of your throat. This holds your airway open and prevents snoring. The appliance has an upper and lower component attached by vertical struts which allow adjustment of the lower jaw.
For moderate and severe Sleep Apnea you may require treatment with a CPAP machine which holds your airway open with continuous air pressure. Air is drawn into a tube that you wear on your nose. This treatment will be directed and administered by the sleep lab and is the only 100% effective treatment for Sleep Apnea. In addition to the CPAP or possibly in place of the CPAP machine, one of the most common recommendations is weight loss. Losing weight reduces the amount of tissue in the throat which can obstruct the airway and cause snoring. Once the sleep lab has controlled your Sleep Apnea you can try an oral appliance if the CPAP is cumbersome.
If snoring or Sleep Apnea are a potential problem in your family, call Forman Dental Care today. Click here to request an appointment or call (905) 303-9355.

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Keeping Your Gums Healthy

A common misconception, when it comes to our gums, is that it’s normal for them to bleed. We see a lot of new patients in our office, and one of the first questions we ask is if their gums bleed when they brush or floss? Many patients notice that their gums bleed and always have. Bleeding gums are indeed common, but it’s also indicative of an underlying problem: gingivitis or periodontal disease. Your gums, when they are healthy, should not bleed when you brush or floss.
So how can you make sure your gums are healthy and free of disease?
Start with home care. By far, the most powerful way to keep your gums healthy is to take care of them every day. If they’ve been neglected, your gums will be sore after the first few brushings, but in time they’ll adapt.
Be sure to brush twice daily (morning and night), and be thorough but not overly aggressive. Electric tooth brushes are far more effective than manual brushes, so if you can, use an electric tooth brush. Be sure to floss once a day with either normal dental floss or Soft Picks. Finally, be sure to use a mouth wash like Crest Pro Health or Listerine. They’re great for your breath and for killing the bacteria which causes gum disease.
If you’re unsure about any aspects of your home care, our hygienists will be happy to help you understand more about any of the above.
For some patients, home care alone may not remedy the problem, and a treatment called Active Therapy may be necessary.
Active Therapy is used to treat gingivitis and periodontal disease. It’s designed to promote rapid healing of the gums and tooth-supporting tissue. By removing the built-up plaque and tartar around the teeth and under the gums, your body is able to heal and stop the disease.
During Active Therapy, local anesthetic is given to allow the treatment to be comfortable, and is usually performed over two appointments. Typically we treat half the mouth at a time. Patients may experience minor soreness for 2-3 days after the treatment, but the pain is easily managed with Tylenol or Advil. A follow-up appointment, approximately 4 weeks after Active Therapy, is the final step to ensure success. At that appointment, your whole mouth will be reassessed and specific oral hygiene instructions will be given for areas that need more healing. Additional build up which was not reached or that recurred, will be removed without the need of local anesthetic.
Active Therapy will go a long way toward keeping your teeth and gums healthy and looking great. It will help strengthen your gums and keep your teeth healthy over the long run. Not only will your teeth look and feel great, but keeping your gums in great condition will allow your teeth to remain stable, and allow you to eat all of the foods you love. Your gums will no longer be sore or bleed when you brush or floss. You’ll be able you keep your smile looking great, and you won’t have to worry about your teeth looking “long” or developing space between them. You’ll also improve your overall health, and prevent the bacteria in your gums from spreading to the rest of your body.
If your gums are bleeding when you brush and great home care isn’t improving your condition, click here or call Forman Dental at (905) 303-9355.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Sport Guards

Sport guards are designed to protect athletes against trauma to the head. They provide a cushion to absorb shock which is critical to protecting against concussions. These concussions happen when the lower teeth crash into the upper teeth. Some high-end sport guards even have a reinforcing strip behind the upper 6 front teeth to help protect against fractures.
Custom sport guards are made by taking an impression of your upper teeth. That impression is sent to the lab where the sport guard is constructed and sent back to us. During a short second appointment, we fit the guard, and make any necessary minor adjustments.
Sport guards are made of a soft, cushioning material that fits over your teeth.  With custom made mouth guards, there is very little contact with your palatal tissue, which can cause discomfort.  The appliance is made for the upper arch because it’s better suited to speaking.  Compared to the “boil and bite” type of sport guards, custom fit appliances are much more comfortable and allow for much easier speaking. Fit and comfort are essential for the sport guard to be worn rather than being left in the bag or tucked in a glove.
If there’s an athlete in your family, consider protecting them with a custom-fit sport guard. Click here to request an appointment or call (905) 303-9355.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Your Child's First Visit to the Dentist

We’ll often have kids as young as 2 years old come to their parent’s maintenance appointments so that they can begin to experience the dental office in a positive way. We give them a ride in the chair, and help them to be comfortable in the office environment. For more information on younger children and our complimentary appointments for infants, see the article on caring for your baby’s teeth.
When a child reaches the age of 3, it’s time for their own visit to the dentist. By then their baby teeth have all come in, and the child is ready for their first check-up.
At their first appointment, we do as much or as little as the child is comfortable with. Since this visit will set the tone for years of dental visits to come, our main concern is that they have a positive experience. Typically the hygienist will talk to them about their teeth and even show them a picture of their mouth with our special camera. The hygienist will check their teeth and gums, polish their teeth and take X-rays depending on the level of comfort and cooperation. With those who aren’t ready to have everything done, we make note, and work on building them up at their next visit.
Regardless of how far we get, your child has always done a great job and we make sure they know it. They also get to choose some stickers as a reward, and we give them their own toothbrush. This process has helped us to acclimate children to the dentist’s office and to the importance of good oral health.
If your child is ready for their first appointment, click here or call Forman Dental at (905) 303-9355.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Why are Hygiene Maintenance Appointments so Important?

Hygiene maintenance appointments are designed to promote good oral health in two ways. The first is the professional cleaning and care you receive to help keep your teeth and gums in optimal condition. The second is monitoring the condition of the many factors that contribute to oral health issues.
Maintenance appointments are especially important following any active treatment a patient may have undergone. For example, when a new patient has their first appointment with us, we thoroughly assess their gums (among many other things).  If they are diagnosed with gum or periodontal disease they’ll get a recommendation to treat the active disease.  Once the condition is treated and stable, a specific maintenance schedule is designed to maintain the improvement the active treatment obtained.
At your hygiene maintenance appointment, we update your health history, check your blood pressure, complete a brief oral cancer screening, and assess your teeth and gums for any issues.  Your teeth will then be cleaned, polished and flossed.  We also recommend a once yearly fluoride application for children and adults to help prevent cavities.
It’s the hygiene maintenance appointment that really allows us stay in control over your dental health. We can also advise you of any concerns and treat problems early while they are small and can be most successfully addressed.
If you’re due for an appointment, you can book one online by clicking here or by calling (905) 303-9355.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Why Should I Worry About the Condition of My Back Teeth?

Most people care a lot about their smile and its appearance. As a dentist, I help a great many people attain a beautiful and sparkling smile, but what about the foundation of that smile?
The foundation of your smile depends on all of your teeth, and that includes the back or posterior teeth. Those teeth are responsible for much of the chewing you do, and for supporting your bite. They provide the vertical support necessary to keep your bite properly aligned, and your teeth straight.  This is called posterior support.
I often draw the analogy of a house to illustrate the purpose of good posterior support. Much like your smile, the house rests on a strong foundation, and if that foundation deteriorates, as it can in a number of ways, the entire house is likely to be severely damaged or collapse all-together. The same is true for your posterior teeth. In fact, your front teeth provide no support at all and they rely completely on the back teeth to keep them in the right position.  Without good posterior support, the front teeth are destined to “crash” into each other.
With the progressive loss of posterior support, there are serious consequences that will develop.  Chewing will become more difficult, and more stress will be put on the remaining teeth which will wear at a higher rate.  As loss of posterior support continues, the front teeth experience heavier pressure and start to chip, crack and break rather quickly.
To avoid the problems that can occur, keep your back teeth strong and healthy.  Be sure to restore weakened teeth early with crowns, replace missing back teeth, wear a grinding appliance if it’s been recommended and keep your gums healthy with great home care and regular checkups with your dental hygienist.
If you feel like you may have issues with posterior support or are unsure of the condition of your back teeth, give us a call to book a checkup. You can book an appointment at Forman Dental using our online appointment booking tool or by calling (905) 303-9355.

Monday, 30 July 2012

Caring for Your Baby's Teeth

A baby’s first tooth comes in around the 6-month mark, and it’s important to start caring for their teeth as soon as they come in because they can get cavities.
Cleaning your baby’s teeth after each feeding using a moist gauze or facecloth is a great way to keep their mouth healthy and happy.
At Forman Dental Care we’ve designed a special package for new moms and dads to help keep your baby healthy. By the age of 1, or when the first teeth appear, it’s time for their first check-up. A quick assessment is a great introduction to the dentist and a perfect time to review a healthy diet for their teeth.
If you’re interested in the package, you can book an appointment online by clicking here or by calling (905) 303-9355.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Diabetes and Gum Disease; an Important Connection

Oral health can impact more than just your mouth. In fact, there’s an important connection between Diabetes and Gum Disease.
Did you know that uncontrolled gum disease or periodontal disease can affect your ability to control blood-sugar? And high blood-sugar levels over the long term can lead to premature degeneration of the eyes, kidneys, nerves and blood vessels. The best defense against gum disease and periodontal disease is to see your dentist regularly to ensure any issues are caught early.
At Forman Dental, we believe in “whole-body health starting with the mouth”, so book your check-up today.
To book an appointment at Forman Dental, click here or call (905) 303-9355.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Rising Number of Cavities in Children

Over the last few years, we’ve noticed a dramatic increase in the number of cavities found in children. This has resulted in both an increase in the number of teeth that need to be filled as well as the severity of the decay.
It’s important to protect your children from cavities, and we at Forman Dental Care would like to offer a few tips to help prevent the progress of tooth decay in young children:
Try to avoid putting your baby to bed with a bottle of milk or apple juice.
Always ensure that your children rinse with water after a sugary drink or snack.
Get your kids in the habit of brushing their teeth twice daily and flossing once.
Finally, make sure to schedule a visit to the dentist twice a year so that any issues are identified early and treated properly.
These simple and effective practices will help keep their teeth healthy and strong. Help your kids form good habits early, and their teeth will be far healthier as a result.
To book an appointment at Forman Dental, click here or call (905) 303-9355.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Gum Disease and How to Treat it

Did you know that 75% of adults have gum disease?  Gum disease – or gingivitis – is a bacterial infection of the tissues around the teeth.
If your gums bleed while brushing or flossing, even a little bit; or if your gums are red and shiny, tender and swollen, or not tightly adapted to your teeth; you are at very high risk of having gum disease.
Untreated gum disease will eventually spread to the bone that holds the teeth in place and cause them to loosen as the bone erodes.
Today, treatments are highly effective and gum disease can be controlled. Here is a typical example of how the treatment process works:
1. Following the diagnosis, the active treatment phase begins and includes a thorough cleaning of the teeth under the gums.
2. Four weeks later, we analyze your gums to measure their response to the treatment, and then we polish the teeth once more.
3. During the follow-up phase, we provide you with a special tooth paste and rinse along with an electric toothbrush so you can support the treatment at home.
4. Finally, we enter the maintenance phase and monitor the gums on a quarterly basis. Any problems are spotted and dealt with quickly.
With the right care, active therapy can keep gum disease under control and promote good oral health.
If you think you might have gum disease, click here to book an appointment at Forman Dental or call (905) 303-9355.